Cameron Frank Final Portfolio ! :)

1) Resume - This was the first project of the semester. We spent time going over the basics of InDesign and Illustrator and used both to create the resumes. I feel as though the strongest feature of my resume is the layout.

2) Flyer - For this project we were assigned a topic that someone else had chosen. These were meant to be call to action flyers. In my case, I created a flyer intended to encourage acceptance of the LGBT community. 

3) Midterm Brochure - This is the brochure I created using the tutorial on the Adobe website. I think it turned out to be almost identical.

4) Postcard - This is the personal postcard I created. My favorite feature is the Buffalo I traced in Illustrator. I also think the colors worked well together.

5) Logo - The business I made up is called "Transitions Magazine" and this is the logo I created. Transitions Magazine is digital and print music media platform dedicated to house and techno music. I used Illustrator to create all of the shapes and selected pantone colors 426C (black) and 811C (orange). The circle around the T is meant to be representative of a jog wheel. 

6) Business Card - I used the logo I created for transitions magazine and applied it to a business card. I feel as though the layout is strong and the information is presented in a slick, visually coherent manner.
